

主演:梁家辉  蒋雯丽  朱旭  霍利斯·休斯敦  塔玛拉·特恩特  斯蒂芬妮·沃格特  乔·尔克  卡特·道森  安东尼·穆林  马歇尔·菲尔  苏珊·弗莱  迈克·凯彻  乔·梅  桑尼·吴  戴夫·舒兹  



刮痧 剧照 NO.1刮痧 剧照 NO.2刮痧 剧照 NO.3刮痧 剧照 NO.4刮痧 剧照 NO.5刮痧 剧照 NO.6刮痧 剧照 NO.13刮痧 剧照 NO.14刮痧 剧照 NO.15刮痧 剧照 NO.16刮痧 剧照 NO.17刮痧 剧照 NO.18刮痧 剧照 NO.19刮痧 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-12-27 16:49


  电脑游戏设计师许大同(梁家辉 饰)与妻子简宁(蒋雯丽 饰)在美国奋斗了8年,事业有成。一次意外却令美好的家庭变得愁云惨雾:5岁的儿子生病了,老父亲(朱旭 饰)用传统的中国民间刮痧帮孙子治病。大同夫妻继而被控告虐待儿童,一个又一个物证人证令夫妻俩百口莫辩,西医根本无法了解这种传统中国疗法。因为这件事,父子与夫妻都不得已的分开了。大同伤心欲绝,面对儿子与妻子,他能做什么为自己伸冤呢?事情又能否得到圆满的解决呢?


 1 ) “吾儿勿念”。

简宁说“Because he's Chinese.”。然后镜头切到许大同扶着父亲小心翼翼上楼的画面。我始终觉得那是无比美好的画面,在昏黄的灯光下,青年和老年的身影交错在一起,被拉长的镜头舒缓而伤感,隐藏在平静之下的波涛汹涌在这瞬间都变得微不足道。

 2 ) 一叹到底,谁解我心








 3 ) 美国居 大不易








 4 ) 如有一朝大同至,举世定将换新颜。

Because He Is Chinese: Chinese Immigrants’ Struggle for the recognition of American Society
—The Maze of Different Value Systems and The Disillusion of Those Outsiders’ Daydream

Brief Introduction to the Movie:
  Datong Xu and his wife Jian Ning have been lived in America for eight years; through struggle they have made great success in their career and with their son Dennis they live a very happy life.
Xu’s father comes from China to visit his family. While there, he gives his grandson a harmless traditional Chinese medical treatment of Gua Sha, which the local authorities wrongly regard as child abuse. The family goes through a very hard time when the child is taken away by the child protection agency. Meanwhile, the Xu’s father leaves America because he finds that the living environment is really not suitable for him, as he feels that Gua Sha, which is so common in China is treated as child abuse in America. Worst of all, he cannot converse in English.
Eventually, an American friend of Datong tries Gua Sha and proves that the treatment leaves painful-looking marks that are not actually harmful at all. And the end result sees that Dennis is returned home and the family is reunited.

Movie Analysis: with a focus on pieces taken from the movie
Value Systems deeply rooted in Different Cultures Do Make Clashes
As is shown to us, despite the fact that Datong, with his wife has been to the States for eight years, deep in his heart his root is in China and some of the most fundamental viewpoints of his are still typical Chinese style.
Scene one: at the very beginning of this movie Dennis and the son of Datong’s friend Quinlan have a fight and Dennis beats the other boy, then Dennis goes to play computer games. Let’s see what Datong has done to his son: he shuts down the computer, beats his son and asks him to apologize to Quinlan’s son, an act making the Quinlan family feel confused and puzzled.
Now you see, having lived in America has made Datong look like an American citizen and has gained him a good reputation as an American computer game designer; however, it fails to change his value system since he is brought up in China and mainly educated there. Family structure and their inherent relationships and obligations are a major source of cultural difference. (Xu, page 94) And differences between west and east in value systems occur, thus making the culture clashes: Quinlan never did this to his son, so he can’t understand Datong’s deed and feel quite surprised.
Scene two: at the hearing Datong shows his fury and “overacts” as he witnesses someone saying something bad about Chinese culture, making people present at the court feel so astonished.
As we all know, the curt is a sacred place and no one should be led by his own emotion and behave rudely to the judge, as this is an offense to sobriety of the law and the legal system. Complex as the scene may appear to be, what causes Datong’s deeds can be carefully reasoned:
Here again come the cultural clashes: American culture is so different from ours that they may not be able to correctly comprehend and decode our culture; this has caused the person who has said something bad about Chinese culture at the court misperceive our culture, which is a sad truth. When somebody misunderstands your motherland, what will you do? Of course we’ll fight back and defend our country, wherever and whenever. And this, is the very answer to Datong’s deeds at the court.
Cultural Conflicts and Its Causation
We should admit the fact that this is a movie full of cultural conflicts, among which the different opinions towards Gua Sha and the unhappy life of Datong’s father in America should be the most serious two. Gua Sha, along with the life experience of Datong’s father, can be taken as the two significant factors when we are studying the clue of this movie.
Scene Three: Dennis is taken away from Datong’s family because of the seemingly painful-looking marks left by the treatment Gua Sha.
Here the mark is taken for the testimony that Datong’s family has abused the child; however, Chinese people, as the inventor and practitioner of this traditional treatment, will never come to the conclusion that this is harmful to the patients. Unfortunately, probably no Chinese has thought of the problem that Americans don’t make sense of this treatment; and also, probably no Americans have realized that Gua Sha is not a punishment or abuse but a way to heal people’s illness.
Misconceptions from both sides has jointly led to the cultural conflicts, both sides need to retrospect themselves and communicate with each other, which in the movie we can hardly see. And the movie is the reflection of the reality, though a little unwilling to accept the fact, we have no choice but to face this serious problem: lack of understanding and interaction between different cultures.
Scene Four: Datong’s father, finding it extremely difficult to live in a totally different environment and feeling a sense of loneliness, finally leaves for China.
The life of an old person living in a foreign country is always a heated topic to be discussed. Today I’ll focus on the conflicts part:
The grandfather, symbol of the Chinese traditional culture and the Chinese past, is confronted with modern America and the contemporary American mainstream culture. It is obvious that these two differ in lots of aspects, and of course so many differences are to cause cultural conflicts, in which the Datong’s father is too weak to fight back and have no choice but to return to its own culture.
What has made a Chinese old man face those cultural conflicts? The reasons are as follows: living environment, language, worldview and values, etc. And in all those elements, I think the unfamiliarity of an unacquainted culture should be the most striking one.

Conclusion Part:
American Dream? So Hard to Achieve for a Chinese Immigrant
  Do you still remember the words said by Datong Xu at the start of the movie when he is addressing his prize-winning speech? In his speech he says that if he can keep working hard he will one day become a real, successful American, American as he has thought of is a country full of opportunities and he is the lively example, and at last he says he loves America and that’s his American Dream.
  Sarcastically, the start of the movie turns out to be Datong’s peak, and then both his career and his life have become worse and worse. It is certain that the family is reunited and things begin to become better, but you can’t deny the fact that Datong’s American Dream is actually ruined and disillusioned, maybe through time he will soon “recover”, but the pain left by the tragic memory of this incident is sure to last long.
  In his famous novel The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald wrote the famous sentence: So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past (Fitzgerald, page 224). American Dream is far away from those immigrants, the famous Chinese writer Zhu Ziqing has once said: “but the happiness is theirs, I have nothing.” And this theory can also be adapted here: the American dream is American’s, they immigrants have nothing. Even Americans themselves can’t easily realize their dream, how about immigrants?
  And what has made this? Of course the difference of culture and value systems! To solve this problem, we still have a long way to go.

  The name Datong means great harmony, I guess it is not only the ultimate goal of the director but also the ultimate goal of people all around the world. It comes as no surprise that it is of vital importance to realize this goal, but there still exist a great number of obstacles, especially in the aspect of culture and communication. What should we do? Just keep walking, keep fighting and trying hard to build bridges between different cultures and help them understand each other to fulfill our dreams.
  If one day the great harmony arrives, the world will take on a new look and the earth will make a true global village.

 5 ) 编得不好

基本上,剧情不太合理。梁家辉作为一个到美国生活了这么长时间的人,连不能够打孩子这么一点基本意识都没有吗?到了法庭上,本来几个词可以说清楚的事情,Chinese alternative therapy/massage,就是不说,光知道发脾气。如果不是有一个超级负责人的法官,这局面怎么收拾得了。要表现文化冲突也要合理一点才好啊。

 6 ) 浅谈文化认同


前段时间,美国有个知名美妆品牌因为新出的粉底液供黑人选择的色号太少被各种攻击和抵制,每个美妆博主测评之前都要都要先批评一下这个品牌,如果没有批评则会被粉丝和网友攻击。讽刺的是,这个品牌的官方ins账号曾经公然发“ching chong”内涵中国人,“ching chong”是什么?Ching chong is a pejorative term sometimes employed by speakers of English to mock or play on the Chinese language, people of Chinese ancestry, or other East Asians who may be mistaken for Chinese that resided in Western countries!这么明显针对中国人华人的内容,但是却没有收到多少指责,甚至一些华人或中国人在这个品牌的账号下面代表那些抗议的中国人说sorry,指责他们太敏感太得理不饶人。为什么这些人会这样?因为他们的骨子里有深深的文化自卑感,因为他们对于自己民族的文化缺少认同,甚至认为自己民族生来是低人一等的,那些站起来speak up的人在他们眼里是无理取闹的,甚至是丢人的。


culture strike什么的 真的很恐怖啊... 不知道为什么分没想象中高 父子情 中国文化描述的也很不错 就是最后结局有那么点夸张了 爸爸 你为什么从窗户进来啊? 因为我们家没有烟囱.... 还有 蒋雯丽真漂亮

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Because hi's a Chinese.

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听过法律基础老师上课喜欢放电影了 上次放的《秋菊打官司》 这次放的《刮痧》他以法律与文化作为开题 根据他的法律视角的解读 部电影的主要矛盾在与 自然法和分析法的矛盾 当然其中还提及文明的冲突 法律工作者的形象 亲情 爱情等等 赞同蒋雯丽演得太假了 结尾比较苍白

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对于“美国”而言,《刮痧》似乎有所洞察,而有理有据,单手从开场对于Video Game=Violence的抗议再到文本自身的冲突设置均表明:除却对于“西方人对于刮痧的误解”之外,它本身是政治问题而不是社会—文化的问题,开场男主人公许大同对于“美国梦”的陈述并非反讽,真正的反讽在于左翼—民主党话语之下的自以为是,回到影片开场,是否会让人回忆起希拉里一派对于GTA的强烈反对态度?究竟是谁在限制Diversity?但是《刮痧》并不是美国共和党的宣传片,而是中国90年代文化的余波,“镜城”的其中一面(借用戴锦华的比喻),相对于李安的Multi-Cultural文化背景,它却站在“中国”的主体性,满足了官方话语所急需的“国学价值”之复兴,但令人欣喜的是,导演依然从中埋藏了些许“私货”。

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表现得并不仅仅是表层的文化差异 更是对这种文化差异处在一种极度不对等不公平的环境之中的无奈和批判 但是夫妻俩边喝酒边互骂一段拍得太做作了【为生在中国 能够有机会接触了解西方文化而感到庆幸 而不像西方社会对东方文化存在太多的误读和曲解 其实这也算是一种文化的闭锁吧?

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A little bit too dramatized. But still a good story and it was shot in St. Louis. 8.5 out of 10

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