

主演:梅丽尔·斯特里普  克萝丽丝·利奇曼  安吉拉·贝塞特  艾丹·奎因  乔什·帕斯  



弦动我心 剧照 NO.1弦动我心 剧照 NO.2弦动我心 剧照 NO.3弦动我心 剧照 NO.4弦动我心 剧照 NO.5弦动我心 剧照 NO.6弦动我心 剧照 NO.13弦动我心 剧照 NO.14弦动我心 剧照 NO.15弦动我心 剧照 NO.16弦动我心 剧照 NO.17弦动我心 剧照 NO.18弦动我心 剧照 NO.19弦动我心 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-07-01 04:39


  丈夫的突然离去让罗贝塔(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)陷入了深深的痛苦之中,和大多数的主妇一样,罗贝塔的整个世界就是丈夫和家庭,如今这两样东西都已经崩塌碎裂,这让年纪已经不小的罗贝塔该如何自处?  悲伤归悲伤,可是日子还是要过下去,带着两个孩子,罗贝塔将家搬到了纽约东哈林区,在那里,罗贝塔重新振作开始了小提琴教师的全新生活。罗贝塔深信,艺术能够陶冶人的情操,即使是从未经受过艺术熏陶的孩子,也一定会对优美的小提琴声产生共鸣。可是罗贝塔所任教的学校的领导却不这么认为,他们不断缩减着罗贝塔的教育经费,但这并没能动摇罗贝塔的决心。


 1 ) Music of the heart

I am an English major. Again, it is the film title that drive me to begin this movie. I had thought it might be a film similar to August Rush, the movie that touched me deep in the heart. However, it turned out to be nothing like that.
I love music, but I am not the one that knows to appreciate the music of violin. I perfer the sound of piano. This is the first personal reason why i do not like this movie.
Then, i do not like the leading actress. I have to admit that she is strong, persistent woman. Deserted, she had to keep two boys without a permanent job. In this point, she is shining. However, I am not for her way of teaching, being too harsh and hard on her young students, thought her way is approved in the film. Then, she did not try to walk into the heart of her children and to figure out the true reason her husband leaving her (maybe this is not so important in the development of the movie). If I was in her stand, I would pay much more attention to the healthy growth of my child and try hard to help and support my students.
Thought, I should say she is a kind, helpful and strong woman. She is good. Just, not my type, that's all.

 2 ) 怀念我谦和善良的小提琴老师


 3 ) music of the heart.and to the dream

小提琴家伊萨克·帕尔曼说:“罗伯塔不是在教孩子们如何拉小提琴,她是在教他们如何成为医生和律师,以及如何拥有梦想。”本片的片名就来源于罗伯塔的那句话:“孩子们的琴弦一动,我就能感受到孩子们的内心和灵魂。” 就算不能成名成家(音乐家)又会怎样呢? 哦不,你们这些自以为是的白人,我们贫民窟的黑人不需要你们来拯救,没这必要,学点什么不比小提琴更好。 如果新学期这门课没了,我想你们会非常非常想念它。而如果你们人人出一份力挽救它,这会令你们自豪,非常自豪。这远胜过我给你们上的任何一节课。 你的工作真的很有意义,我们只是致以敬意。 从无到有,从临时课程到因砍除拨款只能自我组建音乐会筹款维持课程再到拨款恢复,可以说梅姨的小提琴老师人设,虽然家里婚姻不幸福,家长们不理解,甚至自己内心也无处安放和依靠,但她犹如涓涓细流十年甚至直到现在,不仅是教育,以致还有梦想,不仅是她育人的梦想,还有孩子们通过小提琴发掘未来自己更多的可能性。

 4 ) The power of a willed woman, a true story!

“You shouldn’t quit something just cause it is hard”
“Standing strong doesn’t mean just using your legs, you can stand strong on the inside,”
It is what the teacher told the little girl who was disabled when the girl decide to quit.

I am fascinating with music these days, so when I first saw the caption of the movie ”Music of The Heart”, I know it must be the movie I would like.
It is indeed not a movie for commercial means. Movies targeting to make profits are generally worthless. Actually, all meaningful movies are expressions of the thoughts and emotion, or providing innovative perspectives to explore human society. This movie can be classified as a documentary, and also a meaningful one.

A woman, a navy wife, a violin teacher and a mother all these are the roles the actress in the movie has to play in life, and also generally the main social roles of a normal person. The movie reveals several universal issues concerning the social statues of women, divorce, the racial divergence. and more significantly and profoundly, this movie

Music is the language of human inside. ‘When he plays music, his whole face lights up’ when I am listening to music, it can light me up, inspire me and refill my strength. It is also a effective way to relax myself. I thought that music was useless; art is nothing but the debouchments of emotion of some other sensitive person and I don’t need to know what other think about the world. After I experience all these odds and difficulties, I gradually find the value of art. It is magic, and it is the prettiest pieces of work fell down form the heaven besides the nature beauty. I doubt that any talented artiest dare to claim that all the masterpieces are the frution of their hard working. Talent is something endowed by god, and the great pieces of art are also the gifts of god which can make the mundane world a better place. A man cannot appreciate the beauty of art is a great lose. Life without the decoration of art is much less fascinating. I confess I am a boor, and I regret that I cannot find beauty in life. I am a doomed technician and my life destined to relate with coding and calculation, impassive repetitions.

“Nicky is in trouble and you need to deal with it” Imagine if you are the mother and you hear this about you son., What will you think of it? Disappointment, penance , all kind of emotion merges together to anguish you. For a single mother, nothing means more than his sons, the only reliance and the real heart. And nothing is more desperate than a negative son. She can treat herself bad, but she cannot bring any tiny slight injure to her son and also she cannot tolerant the disturbance form the outside to spoil her son.

When I saw that the lieutenant(husband of the violin teacher)deserted his family, his wife and two lovely boys. And saw the grief the family suffered. I was irritated. What a selfish man. That kind of man could never find true love as well as inner satisfaction. I will never do that to my wife especially when she has children to rear, I will never give away my family. For me, it is my essential responsibility to bring them happy. I could never grieve anyone for the sake of my own happiness. And the real happiness is the mental and moral complacent and self appreciation. Though I may not have the chance to flirt with beautiful young ladies, or have some romantic love experience, I will feel satisfied when I have the ability to realize my obligation and actually fulfill my obligation.

There are always being something to light you up, music , children, friends, family. So never lose faith, never give up. Everything matters to me, everyone make sense, I can never lost myself merely because I failed once or someone left me. I have a flexible and abundant life.

Witticisms like“If you have some needs that I don’t meet, you would go and have them met by somebody else”are the sparkles dispersed throughout the movie which are sensible. It points out the essence of relationships between couples. No one can perfectly meet the needs of others, whether you will go to somebody else determines whether you are a man will a sense of responsibility. Love and commitment are interdependent issues. She is so feared to be dumped again, and should we be cautious to begin a new relationship?

“I can take care of myself, and I can take care of you.” It is easier said than done, particularly for a woman. Struggle is the perpetual rhythm of life. One has to strive to achieve some goals or just accept the reality and be indifferent to the losses. However, you have to make change, you have to say no to destine. I believe fate, but I think that sometime fate is just kidding you, and you submit to fate at first hand, you lost the chance to play more. Perhaps if you persist for a while and things will be different. Admittedly, struggle could never be easy, but who knows what you may lose if you give up and just let it be. Therefore, the best strategy is to fight back the predestined fate.

Admittedly, this movie is not perfect. One of the deficiencies is that it brings in too many topic hence none of them can be thoroughly and profoundly anglicized. In this sense, “Crash” is a better movie, it discusses racial discrimination in a more comprehensive way.

This is a movie can broaden your vision, and probably change your mind.

 5 ) 希望你能看看

这是梅丽尔·斯特里普主演的一部励志电影,据说女主角原定的是麦当娜,但是后来换成了梅丽尔·斯特里普,这部电影有中文配音,是我喜欢的乔榛和丁建华,还有童自荣,这部电影我看过至少8次,中文英文都看过,配音配得相当好,梅丽尔·斯特里普不是那种很漂亮的演员,但是她是那种越看越有味道的演员,片子将一个单亲妈妈的那种坚强和渴望表现的很好,她渴望稳定的爱情,但是丈夫爱上了第三者。她对小提琴和两个儿子的爱,也经历了一波三折,在关键的时刻,总有很多好心人愿意来帮她,而她紧闭的心扉也在卡耐基音乐厅演出的那一瞬得以开启,很小的事业,但是具有巨大的价值,虽然只是小提琴的一个基层传播者,但是让更多不曾了解小提琴的孩子包括他们的家长了解音乐的足音,拨动心弦,乔榛和丁建华的国语配音为本片锦上添花,值得一提的是,安吉拉-贝塞特饰演的干练的女校长,葛洛丽娅-伊斯特芬(Gloria Estefan)的演出和演唱,为本片增添了一抹亮色。值得一看,这就是我对此片的评价。谢谢。

 6 ) 强烈推荐电影《弦动我心》



葛洛丽亚·伊斯特芬,80-90年代流行乐坛的头号天后。在剧中饰演女主的同事,说要让自己的女儿向女主学习小提琴那位。并演唱片尾主题曲“music of my heart”,奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲提名,真的好听。







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Meryl Streep的表演把本片撑住了。从依赖男人到让男人滚开,从自立谋生到让社区重生。

  • 私享史
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「You shouldn't quit something just 'cause it's hard.」「What if Arthur Ashe's mother said he couldn't play tennis because it's a white man's game?」「They think that music isn't important for our kids. But they are wrong, and they're gonna get a big fight.」

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原来是真实人物改编。不知道的话感觉不免有些俗套,最大剧作上的硬伤是 老师跟学生之间的情感做的不够深,虽然穿插了教小提琴的画面,但学生们的水平提高缺乏那种自然的过渡,感觉很生硬,情节需要他们拉的好,他们到了那个时间就拉的好了。另外就是人物的成长感不够明显。跟《生命因你动听》相比的话,差一些。

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最让人感动的是主人公与一个腿有残疾的小女孩的对话 -You can't quit something just 'cause it's hard.   -But I can't stand strong.   -Well, standing strong doesn't mean just using your legs, you can stand strong in the inside.你可以选择从心底坚强地站起来

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